Setting up an Environment for your Production or Sandbox instances is straightforward and easy to manage

Environment Setup
Opening a given Environment from the definition window produces the second main window below where you configure a specific Environment, refer to the attributes reference that follows for detailed guidance, although at a minimum, to get started immediately, you’ll need to enter:
- Sandbox (checkbox, hence tick/not ticked)
- Licence Key provided to you (whether full/paid or trial)
- Username
- Password
- Security Token
- Working Path

Attribute | Notes |
Environment | An Environment defines each unique connection to a Salesforce instance, whether that is a Sandbox or a Production Org, all connection work is done against this Name |
Sandbox | Click this checkbox if your given Environment is a sandbox. Note, there are no licence restrictions imposed on accessing a sandbox, regardless of the Salesforce Org they belong to (i.e. even Orgs different to the one(s) you have licenced have no cost implication). |
Username | The Salesforce User used in the connection. This will be a Production username for your Production instance, or if you’re defining a sandbox Environment, then a sandbox username. |
Password | The Password of your username (text security obscured) |
Security Token | The Security Token of your username (text security obscured) |
Working Path | SQL Sales for the BULK Connection Method makes temporary use of a working directory on a drive available to the SQL Server. No data is held at rest and you are advised to check there is suitable spare capacity on the drive which hosts this directory. |
Chunksize | Defaulted to 100000. SQL Sales will chunk internal data processing to this setting, separate to any api batchsize you may have specified for a given replication or data operation. Note, for certain heavier data operations, the specified Chunksize may be automatically lowered to achieve optimal data transfer between Salesforce and SQL Server. |
Boolean fields as bit | Salesforce will by default return boolean fields as TRUE or FALSE, which SQL Server handles in a varchar(5) datatype. Working in SQL Server it is often preferable to work with a bit datatype. |
BulkAPI: allow null updates | By default when using the loading to Salesforce with the BULKAPI, you are not permitted to update a field with an null, this setting overrides that |
DropSSId | When loading to Salesforce, via a SQL Server table, SQL Sales will define a primary key |
Instance | This is your Salesforce instance url, click on “Gather Instance & urn” to populate for your given username. By default this will return your current Salesforce api version for your end point. This will always be the latest api version you are set to, however this can be customised to a specific older api version if that is relevant to your particular requirements. Customise by altering the api version number in the Instance string. |
urn | This is your urn, which by default will return the urn for your Salesforce end point as defined by your username. Customise this if necessary for your particular requirements, typically you would expect to have one of these two:urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.comurn:partner.soap.sforce.comGenerally, just accept the defaut returned for you |
Load ContentVersion as data, not from file | When loading files to Salesforce, typically this is achieved by providing the path to a file located on a drive accessible by SQL Sales, in a UNC location. Alternatively, by checking this option, you can provide the file as a field in a SQL Server table (see detail in the ss_Loader stored procedure). |
Include base64 fields with replica/delta | By default, when replicating (via ss_Replica & ss_Delta), Salesforce fields which contain Content (base64) data are not included as they are binary data-heavy. If you require this data, check this box. |
Connection Method (BULK/ODBC) | BULK (for the bulk text based method)ODBC (for ODBC)Typically BULK is quicker but you decide what works best for your situation. |
Logging | Default is 0-OFF. The log file is created in the same location as the setup “Configuration Path Selection”. Generally, logging is not necessary and certainly 1-DEBUG should only be used when diagnosing issues with SQL-Sales support 0-OFF 1-DEBUG 2-INFO 3-WARNING 4-ERROR 5-CRITICAL |
ODBC: SQL Server | Applicable only for the ODBC method: specify your SQL Server, this will be the server on which you have installed SQL Sales |
ODBC: Use trusted connection | Applicable only for the ODBC method: If applicable to your setup and how you have installed SQL Sales (i.e. how you are running SQL Sales). Check this if Windows trusted connection is applicable to your use case. |
ODBC: SQL Login | Applicable if connecting via a SQL Server login (i.e. not trusted connection). |
ODBC: SQL Password | Applicable if connecting via a SQL Server login (i.e. not trusted connection). (text security obscured) |
ODBC: Driver | List of available drivers available on your specified SQL Server. |
Integration Username | The API or integration Username specified in the [sub] (subject) claim of the JWT token (when using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and connect to Salesforce). |
Custom Connected App | Each configured Environment in each installation of SQL-Sales will require a custom connected app setting up, enter the name here, for the given Environment (when using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and connect to Salesforce). |
Consumer Key | Consumer key, copied from the above custom connected app (when using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and connect to Salesforce). |
Expiration (days) | Enter a numeric value between 1 and 365. This inputs to the certificate validity period which you’ll create, for passing to the custom connected app when setting it up (when using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and connect to Salesforce). |
“Create Certificate” button | This will generate and pass a new digital certificate to your clipboard, for you to save as a .pem file for uploading to your custom connected app. The certificate is not held at rest within SQL-Sales. (Only applicable when using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and connect to Salesforce). |
“Drop Certificate” button | Instantly revoke an existing certificate (only applicable when using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and connect to Salesforce). |