
Easily pull delta replication (only the latest changes since your last run) of Salesforce data into your SQL Server Database by running a simple T-SQL command.

Examples of use

exec ss_Delta 'DEMO', 'Account'
exec ss_Delta 'DEMO', 'Case(25)'
exec test.ss_Delta 'DEMO', 'TestObject__c'


  • Full unlimited schema support within the same Database (not reliant on having to use dbo)
  • Specify Batchsize
  • Optionally include Soft Deleted (isDeleted = 1/True) records and Archived (isArchived = 1/True) records
  • Specify subset of Columns
  • Optional SOQL filters possible
  • Define custom replication tables
  • Failover support from to ss_Replica if Delta date range window is too great
  • Changes to Salesforce metadata recognised and reported
  • Special support for ContentDocumentLink
  • Base64 fields and Content Model support
  • Choose Boolean fields as string, varchar(5) (True/False) or bit (1/0)
  • Standard, History, Custom (__c) & Historical Data (__hd) object and field support
  • Default SQL-Sales BULK or ODBC connection options from client SSMS to SQL Server